Morning Programs

Pre-Toddler Classes
Children in the Pre-Toddler program must be twelve months old at the time of enrollment. These children are exposed to stimulating and developmentally appropriate activities for their age in a nurturing and caring environment. The activities provided help to develop the children’s language and social skills, musical awareness, creative movement, cognitive learning, and physical skills. Each class has two teachers with 8 – 10 children, depending on the age of the children.

Toddler & Twos Classes
This developmental program is designed to enhance those skills that are newly emerging in the young child sixteen months to two years of age, emphasizing gross motor development, eye-hand coordination skills, perceptual development, auditory and visual discrimination skills, cognitive development, language acquisition and social and emotional development.

Preschool & Pre-K Classes
River Road Preschool classes are for children three and four years of age. They are center based with hands-on activities promoting independence, social and emotional, physical, and cognitive development. Children interact in a wide variety of centers focusing on blocks, dramatic play, books, art, fine motor development, science, large motor activities, sensory activities, math activities, etc., to promote skills such as problem solving, critical thinking, creative expression, social communication, and cooperation with peers.

Junior Kindergarten
The Junior Kindergarten is a class offered to children who turn five by mid October and who would benefit from a focused year of curriculum and longer day as they prepare to head off to Kindergarten. This class incorporates many components. Wilson Language curriculum focuses on phonic awareness and sounds, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. Hands on letter formation and guided handwriting instruction help writing come naturally, while letter sounds and recognition are continually reviewed and built on for a pre-writing foundation. Every Day Math helps students master concepts through hands on materials, learning models, and number application and representation. Literacy and Music are incorporated to help cement number sense and conceptual knowledge. Science focuses on seasons and the changes they bring to living animals and their life cycles, while Social Studies moves through our community, from home to school. The Junior Kindergarten program is a five-hour day, from 9:00 – 2:00, that incorporates a variety of specials to allow children to focus on their creativity.

Early Morning Drop-off
Early Morning Drop-off offers child care from 7:30 a.m. until 8:50 a.m., at which time the children are taken to their individual classrooms. This program is available five mornings a week for children ages two and up.

Afternoon Programs
Lunch Bunch
12:00 pm – 1:45 pm
Children ages two and up may stay from 12:00 to 1:45 p.m. for lunch and outside play. Children may attend these programs on a regular basis or on a pre-registered, drop-in basis.

Extended Afternoon
For children ages two and older, this low-key program allows children to participate in group activities, rest time, outside play, and center time. Children may attend every afternoon or pre-register for individual days. Pick up is daily from 3:45 – 4:00 p.m.
Afternoon Enrichments
12:00 pm – 1:45 pm
There are Fall, Christmas, Winter and Spring Enrichments that are available to students. These offer children two and up classes in science, art, drama, gymnastics, music, sports and dance from popular vendors in the community.
River Road Summer Camp
AGES 21 months – 6 years
For current students only.
Camp enrollmenSummer Camp at River Road Preschool is an exciting adventure for current RRP families! Our camp program provides fun-filled experiences that entertain and stimulate even the youngest minds. This summer, give your children the opportunity to have fun while learning through fun science experiments, art projects, camp sing-a-longs and more! Summer Camp takes place for five weeks during the summer session, with registration taking place in February. Camp enrollment spots are limited.
Preschool Schedule
7:30-9:00: Early morning drop off
12:00-1:45: Lunch Bunch or Enrichments
1:45-4:00: Extended Day